
All extension settings are under:
Stores >> Configuration >> Magetrend Extensions >> Out of Stock Notification

General Settings

  1. Is Active - Enable/disable extension
  2. Sending Method - There are two ways to send out of stock email message: manually and automatically via cron. Manually - means cron is disabled, and you will have to send the messages manually via Product >> Out of Stock Notifications >> Manage Subscriptions Page. Automatically via Cron - All messages will be send automatically via cron. Please make sure your cron is running properly.  

Form Settings

  1. Form Type - the extension has two different out of stock subscription forms: Simple form (in content), Popup.
  2. Hide a Form after Subscription - if this option is enabled, customer will be able to subscribe only one time. A form will be hidden after subscription for specific page.
  3. Popup: Active Overlay - if the feature is enabled, popup overlay will be active, on click event will close a popup.
  4. Popup: Auto Close - if this option is enabled popup will close automatically after successful subscription
  5. Auto Close Delay - Delay time (in milliseconds) for "Auto Close" feature

Discount coupon settings

  1. Is Active - The option to enable/disable coupon code feature
  2. Catalog price rule - extension is using default Magento "Catalog Price Rules" for discount code generation.  To create new rule, please go to: Marketing >> Cart Price Rules >> Add New Rule
  3. Send after X days on delay - it lets you to specify after how many days in waiting send coupon code. For example if here is set 5 days, then if notification will be send after 5 days since subscription it has discount coupon code.
  4. Expire after X days - coupon code will expire after X days.
  5. Code length - discount code length without prefix and suffix.
  6. Code format - discount code format. There is possibility to choose one of three formats: Alphanumeric (mixed),  Alphabetical (only the letters), Numeric (only the numbers)
  7. Code prefix - discount code prefix.
  8. Code suffix - discount code suffix
  9. Dash - add dash every time after X symbols. For example 4 (AAAA-BBBB)

Email Settings

  1. Email template - this email template will be used notification when product will back in stock.
  2. Sender Name - Sender Name for email message.
  3. Sender Email - Sender Email for email message, this also will be used in replay-to field.


Here you can translate out of stock subscription forms' texts. Change a store view if you want to translate in different languages.