To add new attribute go to the page:
Sales >> Order Attributes >> Manage Attributes >> Add New Attribute
1. Properties tab >> Attribute properties
- Attribute Code - attribute code must contain only a-z and numbers. For separation please use "_" symbol, for example: deliery_time
- Default Label - default attribute label, commonly used on backend
- Values Required - Choose "Yes" or "Frontend Only", if the field must be filled.
- Input Type - there are available 10 different field types:
- Text Field - simple text input field
- Textarea - field for longer message
- Drop Down - or select box. It lets to choose one option from the list.
- Multi Select - It lets to choose one or more options from the list
- Yes/No - It lets to choose only one from two options: YES or NO.
- Date - input type for date
- Time - input type for time
- Date & Time - input type for full date with time
- Checkbox - It lets to select one or more options from the list. A field can have one or more options. It also can be used for some agreements like "I agree" box.
- Radio - It lets to select only one option from the list.
2. Properties Tab >>Advanced Attribute Properties
The advanced attribute properties depends on input type.
- Is Editable on Backend - if the option is enabled, you will be able to modify the data after checkout via administration side.
- Default Value - here you can set default value. (Text Field, Textarea)
- Input Validation - here you can choose field validation rule. (Text Field, Textarea)
- Source Model - if you need to have dynamic options list for example: product list from some category, you can create your own source class and enter source class name in this field. (Drop Down, Multi select, Checkbox, Radio)
- List Style - It has two options: vertical or horizontal. If you want to keep radio or checkbox options in one line use horizontal. Vertical listing is default. (Radio, Checkbox)
3. Display Settings Tab >> Frontend Settings
Here you can choose where the extra custom fields and collected information will be displayed.
- Checkout Page - Choose "Yes" if you want to add extra custom field in checkout. To choose checkout position: Display Settings >> Advanced Display Settings >> Position on Checkout
- Customer Order View, Customer Invoice View, Customer Shipment View, Customer Credit memo View - display settings for customer pages. Choose where to display collected information
3. Display Settings Tab >> Backend Settings
- Order View, Invoice View, Shipment View, Credit Memo View - here you can choose, to display or not, collected information on preview page.
- Order Grid, Invoice Grid, Shipment Grid, Credit Memo Grid - here you can choose, to display or not, collected information on listing page
4. Display Settings Tab >> General Settings
- Order Email, Invoice Email, Shipment Email, Credit Memo Email - here you can enable choose, to display or not, collected information on email.
- Invoice PDF, Shipment PDF, Credit Memo PDF - here you can choose, to display or not, collected information on PDF.
5. Display Settings Tab >> Advanced Display Settings
- Sort Order - Order attribute sorting number. The attribute with the lowest number goes the first.
- Hide Label - show / hide field label in form
- Show in Stores - stores filter.
- Customer groups - customer groups filter
- Position on checkout - The fields is optional and shows only if Frontend Settings >> Checkout Page is set to YES. There are available 9 locations in checkout
- Billing Address
- Shipping Address
- Before Shipping Method
- After Shipping Method
- Before Payment Method
- After Payment Method
- Before Place Order Button
- Order Summary Before Items
- Order Summary After Items