Order Attributes
The Magento 2 Order Attributes extension lets you add extra custom fields to any of your checkout steps. Choose from 10 different types of field including simple text, text/message, drop-down, checkbox, date and more.
The Magento 2 Order Attributes extension lets you add extra custom fields to any of your checkout steps. Choose from 10 different types of field including simple text, text/message, drop-down, checkbox, date and more. It’s easy to manage the order attributes from the Magento administration side. The extension offers multiple display options that let you to show and hide order attributes, so they appear exactly when and where you need them.
The Magento 2 Order Attribute extension helps you to collect more information from your customers, so you can optimize the way orders are processed. This helps avoid a number of problems, such as when the customer doesn’t have the option of leaving some important information about their order - and has to write or call your shop instead. It also can be used for a range of other purposes, such as letting the customer to choose delivery hours, subscribe to SMS notifications about their order’s status, to enter a door code for delivery, or add a checkbox for the customer to agree to additional terms before placing their order.
Flexible display options
The extension also includes a flexible range of options to display the information about the customer’s order. The information collected can be displayed in following locations:
- order email
- invoice email, invoice PDF
- shipment email, shipment PDF
- credit memo email, credit memo PDF
in the back end:
- order grid, order view page
- invoice grid, invoice view page
- shipment grid, shipment view page
- credit memo grid, credit memo view page
and in the front end:
- on the order view page
- invoice view page
- shipment view page
- credit memo view page
The information can be configured separately for each location, so you can also use this extension to customize your invoice, shipment, and credit memo forms.

It’s also an invoice, shipment and credit memo attributes extension
The extension also allows store administrators to add additional information about invoices, shipment or credit memos. This data can be included in an email or PDF. This option gives the extension extra flexibility, as it offers you the ability to provide customers with useful information. For instance, it can be used to notify customers about estimated delivery hours.
Flexible layout for your checkout page
Our Order Attribute extension lets you place your custom fields in nine different locations on the checkout page – giving you plenty of flexibility to handle every type of use.
Each field has a sorting order. This can be used if you’re adding more than one field in the same position, or you need to add a new field somewhere in the middle of the billing or shipping address form. Here is a list of the positions available:
Range of custom checkout fields
The Magento 2 Order Attributes extension offers 10 different types of field. Each type of field lets you collect a different kind of data. The extension provides the following checkout field types:

Why choose the Order Attributes extension?
As you’ve probably noticed, Magento doesn't have a built-in feature to manage order attributes such as product attributes, but in many cases you might need such a facility. That’s where our extension comes in very handy, saving you time and money! Even if you have a developer who can program similar functionality, it would be prohibitively time-consuming and expensive. To add one additional field to the checkout page, you would need to extend the checkout layout, validate and save information, extend the order view page to print it out and include it in a PDF or email. All that work requires time. And you would still miss out on some important functionality such as the ability to manage fields or change the information provided .
The quick and easy way to get started
Our Magento 2 Order Attributes extension works in the same way as the default Magento extension for product attributes. The Order Attributes extension gives you full control over additional order attributes. Using our extension, you can add a custom checkout field in three simple steps
- Go to Sales >> Manage Attributes >> Add New Attribute.
- Fill in the required fields in the form and choose ‘Attribute is visible in checkout’
- Save the attribute
Once you’ve completed those three simple steps, your checkout will have a new field! Watch this short video demonstration on “How to add a custom checkout field in Magento 2” to see the extension in action.
Extension Features
Customise checkout
extra custom fields can be inserted at nine different points in the checkout process.

Flexible display settings
use the information collected in over 20 locations. Each location has its own show/hide option.

Range of field types
10 input types are available, including: text, message checkbox, drop-down, and more.

Admin new order
the ‘Create new order via administration side” feature has been extended, and lets you to have additional fields like in checkout.

Editable information
all information collected can be modified after checkout via the administration side.

Field validation
Fields can be set to validate, to ensure you acquire accurate data.

Filter attributes
Restrict order attributes according to specific customer groups and store views

Sort position
Lets you set the priority for displaying order attributes.

Multi-store functionality
The extension working with multi-store projects

Field labels, options and tooltips are simple to translate via the administration side.

What peoples are saying about this extension
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact UsYes, the extension can be installed via Composer as follows:
- Add our composer repository:
composer config repositories.magetrend composer https://repo.magetrend.com
- After that, you can run composer require command:
composer require magetrend/module-name
module-name - you can find it in extension composer.json
If the extension was installed via Composer and the files are located in the vendor/magetrend/module-name directory, run the following ssh commands:
composer require magetrend/module-name:1.0.0
php bin/magento setup:upgrade;
php bin/magento setup:di:compile;
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy;
If, on the other hand, the extension was installed manually and the extension's files are located in app/code/Magetrend/ModuleName directory, simply:
- Extract the .zip archive
- Upload file’s content to: app/code/Magetrend/ModuleName
- Run the following ssh commands:
php bin/magento setup:upgrade;
php bin/magento setup:di:compile;
php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f;
All ours extensions are completely open source. There is no encrypted file – so you can customise it as you like.
There are thousands of extensions in the market, so we can't guarantee compatibility with every single one – it's just impossible to test it with all of them. But when we develop our extensions, we try to avoid any elements that might conflict with other extensions.
In the event that our extension conflicts with a third-party extension, our support team will assist you and make any necessary changes for free.
If you're installing the extension manually, the extension's files must be uploaded to: app/code/Magetrend/ModuleName. You can always check the "ModuleName" in extension's registration.php file.
- Added: Reorder implementation.
Added maxLength configuration option for text field
- Magento 2.4.6-p3 compatibility
- Fixed: issue with mixed data. Save user data function was asynchroniuos.
- Fixed: Date picker localization issues on frontend
- Fixed: Missing value in order confirmation email
- Fixed: TypeError: Illegal offset type in CustomerGroup.php:44
- Md5() replaced to hash()
Fixed: Issue with order attribute block in email. New variables:
Magento 2.4.6 and PHP 8.2 compatibility
- Magento 2.4.4 and 2.4.3-p2 compatibility changes
- Setup script was replaced to declarative schema
- Fixed: Update quote information too on save. Fixed problem with values when payment is completed after order place
- Fixed: Admin grid filter issue with non en-US locale
- Fixed: Magento 2.3 db_schema compatibility issue
- Added: Block of attributes to Frontend Customer Area > My Orders > View > Print View
- Magento 2.4.2 compatibility
- Fixed: problem with date and locale
- Fixed: problem with checkout position "Before Place Order"
- Fixed: problem saving checkbox values
- Added: Improved compatibility with Magetrend Responsive Emails extension. Now the data can be get with {{var mtVar.getData('ATTRIBUTE_CODE') }} variable
- Added: Extended api response rest/V1/orders/ with order attributes values
- Fixed: Custom attribute filtering problem in admin grid
- Magento 2.4 compatibility
- Added: Compatibility with our Magento 2 PDF Invoice PRO. All order attributes will be added to pdf variable list automatically.
- Fixed: uiRegistry javascript error
- Fixed: No attributes problem
- Fixed: Value saving problem
- Fixed: Order grid filter problem
- Fixed: Problem with multi-shipping checkout
Initial release